Tuesday, October 22, 2013

The results are in for our laundry detergent experiment. After we allowed our muddy clothes to soak in the soapy water for several hours untouched, we went back to see what had happened. To our surprise, drum roll please......dun dun dun dun.....The bar soap cleaned the best. Yes, that's right, the cheapest form of soap cleaned our clothes the best. The powder detergent only removed the surface dirt and was not completely dissolved. As a matter of fact, the powder settled at the bottom of the bucket and one child said it looked like chocolate chip cookie ice cream. The liquid soap did a little better but had an oily film over it. The bar of soap cleaned the best and didn't have an oily film over it. It also had the most evidence of pulling the dirt from our clothes. What are we really paying for? :)

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