Thursday, October 17, 2013

For science today, we talked about different types of soap to use for washing our laundry. After we read "Wash and Dry", we discussed how clothes are washed. Next, we guessed which type of soap would make the most bubbles. We had to test our hypotheses by doing the actual experiment in our classroom. We looked at powder, liquid, and bar soap. We then put each type in a bowl of water. Ms. Kim stirred each type of soap for one minute while we sang "This is the way we wash our clothes." We checked our guesses to see who was correct. We talked about why each type of soap may have made different amounts of bubbles. Then, we wanted to know which type of soap cleans the best. So, we got some clean shirts and "played in the mud". We put each dirty shirt in a bowl of detergent and water. We will see which one worked the best. We will see who guessed correctly and talk about the results.

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