Tuesday, October 28, 2014

On Monday, October 27, we visited The Barnyard in Northport, Alabama. We started our day by petting and feeding the ducks. Next, we went on a little boat ride around the pond and looked for catfish. We went on over to visit Sunshine, the llama. She was very nice. Next, we headed on over to check out some chicken eggs and turkey eggs. We noticed that the turkey eggs were bigger than the chicken eggs. Then, we waited patiently for our turn to bottle feed the goat and then fed all of the other animals from feed buckets. Boy were they hungry. After feeding those larger animals, we went on to hold some little chicks, bunnies, and a nice big fat rat. Yes, that's right, a rat!!! Ms. Kim was scared of it, but Mrs. Jaysa liked it and so did Mrs. Kelly. After some time sitting and petting these animals, we went for a pony ride. Then, we all loaded up on the hay ride to go up the hill to the playground and pumpkin patch. All of our day was exciting. We couldn't choose a favorite part because it was all so much fun. Thanks to all of you for coming to play with us today.

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