Friday, March 13, 2015

Yesterday, Dr. Minear's students did lessons with us during SWAP. We made a tasty treat from a lot of healthy snacks that looked like a flower. We learned that bees need the pollen from flowers to make honey, which is a food for their own babies and a food for us. We pretended to be bees as we drank sweet nectar and picked up pollen with our feelers. Next, we learned all about the life cycle of a butterfly. We discussed the different stages of the butterfly's life and even learned the difference between a moth and butterfly. We made our very own butterfly and then watched a video of the metamorphosis of the butterfly from chrysalis to adult butterfly. In our next station, we learned about the body parts of insects. We read stories and sang songs about the body parts. Did you know all insects have three main body parts, six legs, and four wings? We learned about all of these parts and then made our very own bugs. The last station we visited also helped us learn about the insects and their bodies. We went on a bug hunt and then drew pictures of what we saw through our spy glasses. Thanks, Dr. Minear and friends for hosting a wonderful day of learning for us. We are so thankful for all of you.

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