Thursday, August 28, 2014

Words I Heard

Words I Heard

 Student: What's that Ms. Kim?

Ms. Kim:  That's the Campbell House.

Student: You mean like the camel with humps that you can ride, Ms. Kim?

Ms. Ross read "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?", and we made sounds like animals and asked everyone to guess which animal. We also sang several songs about sounds.

For the Daily Reveal, we found a leopard. Some of us thought it was a cheetah, so Ms. Kim taught us the differences in leopards and cheetahs. Can you see the differences?

We read a lot of books. Today, we read "I Am Special", "I Like Me", and "Too Much Noise".

We played in the science center today. We talked about all the sounds the different animals in the center make. We talked about the sounds that we make when we play with puzzles. We watered our class plant. Mrs. Jaysa brought over her special pet, Sophia the Hamster.

I was caught being a good helper today. I helped my friend put her shoes on when she couldn't do it all alone.

We use our ears to hear all the different sounds around us. On our "Listening Walk" to the duck pond we heard bells, a dragon fly, bees buzzing inside flowers, cars racing, birds, rocks rumbling under our feet, the air conditioner in Wallace Hall, animals making noises, ducks quacking, and church bells ringing.

We watched and listened to "The Listening Walk" on YouTube.

A is for AMAZING students who listen and play.