Monday, November 3, 2014

The theme for this week is transportation from the past, present, and future. We are playing in our centers and making observations about different types of transportation. We named many different types of transportation today. We talked about how we got to school. We looked at the equipment on our playground and marked the items that could help us travel with a T. The items that we cannot use for transportation were marked with an X. We read "Mickey Mouse's Book of Cars and Trucks". As we read, we would clap three times for each kind of car or truck we read about. We made a tally mark on the board for each type of transportation. Then, we counted to see if there were more cars or more trucks. We also read "I Love Trucks", "The Little Engine That Could", and "Miss Rumphius". All of these books are about different kinds of transportation. We are also learning about the letter Ii, the color black, the number 9, and the month of November.

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