Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Ms. Rosa and Ms. Emily came to visit us and took us on an amazing adventure. First, Ms. Rosa discussed how birds have similarities and differences. She did this using two of our students. We talked about the things that were alike and different. Then, she showed us a poster with many kinds of birds on it. Next, she passed around pictures of the three most common types of birds we see in Alabama during this time of the year. We learned about the Blue Bird, the Redheaded Woodpecker, and the Mocking Bird. She taught us characteristics of each type of bird and showed us what to look for when we go outside. Then, she and Ms. Emily gave us binoculars made from toilet paper tubes. The binoculars helped us the see the birds much easier. We then went exploring all around the Campus School, near the greenhouse and even over by the Duck Pond. We saw many different birds, bird nests, and even saw where the Redheaded Woodpeckers had hidden food to come back for later. We saw a hawk flying over us most of the time we were near the Duck Pond. We think she may have been looking for food. The ducks came close to us too. On our way back, Ms. Rosa found an abandoned Mocking Bird nest. She taught us how they make their nests and even use grass that may have fallen from our Easter baskets. We collected the nest for further investigation. She reminded us to never touch a nest if we are not sure the bird is not coming back. We learned so much and appreciate the time and effort Ms. Rosa and Ms. Emily put into this activity. Thanks a ton, ladies!!!

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