Thursday, September 11, 2014

Superhero Saves Max the Dog written by Ms. Kim's P-3 Class (Dictated to Ms. Kim)

Once upon a time, there was a little dog. His name was Max. 
Max loved to play. His favorite game was an outside game.
 Max would play his game all day long. 
When he got hungry, Max would eat a lot of puppy food and treats. 
When he finished eating, Max would go to the potty. 

Max also enjoyed swimming in the ocean. 
His owner would let him swim in the ocean, but Max had to follow the rule. 
That rule was that he had to stay out of the deep part where the crabs live.
 One day, Max swam too far, and a sea shark came. 
Max was afraid, so he swam away from the shark so he wouldn't be eaten or bitten by the shark. 
Max heard his owner say, "Swim away! Max! Swim away!" 

Max lived to tell his story.

The End! 

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