Tuesday, September 24, 2013

We set up a science experiment to see what ants like to eat. We used the items on the plate and labeled them. We set the plate near the anthill we found yesterday morning. When we went to check it today, we found the most amazing thing. The ants had carried the cookie all the way to the other side of the plate and completely took it apart, literally crumb by crumb. The ants did not touch the gummy bear or the candy corn. The honey was also completely gone, along with the pretzel. We observed the ants carrying pieces of the cookie down into the anthill. We talked about what they were doing with that food and what other ants might be doing with it. We also talked about where the ants live and how they care for one another. Case brought in a queen ant that lost her wings. In the book we read today, we found that this queen is ready to be on her own and lay eggs.

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